To our Residents,

During this time of unprecedented uncertainty, all of us here at Capilano Property Management recognize the financial and emotional impact of COVID-19. As we value the relationship we have with each Tenant, we are closely monitoring the situation and are committed to communicating any developments pertaining to you and your family.

The provincial and federal governments have implemented several financial aid programs to assist those struggling during this difficult time. We urge you to review the available resources that you may be eligible for:

Additional information can be found here.

In addition to the resources above, many cities offer “Rent Banks” for those in need of financial support to maintain their housing stability. Services include interest free aid in rent payment, damage deposit loans, and utility payment plans. To locate rent banks services based on your municipality, please click here.

We want to thank you for your continued residency and kindly ask that you please continue to keep an open line of communication and contact your resident caretaker or send a message to to discuss all payment options and/or delays.